is the antidote to smartphone addiction

Does the things you need...

Calls and texts
Music & Podcasts
WiFi hotspot

...not the things you don't!

LoFone doesn't have a web browser, news or social media apps, or anything else designed to distract you from the real world.

LoFone has a unique colour E Ink display that is gentle on the eyes, promotes better sleep and has incredible battery life.

The case and battery are replacable.

It has a point and shoot camera with no live preview, to make photo taking impulsive and fleeting.

It also has a torch, a headphone socket and a user-assignable action button, making it just as useful as a smart phone.

Unlike other phones, LoFone is intentionally designed not to demand your most valuable asset:

your time

LoFone is safe for all ages, by design

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